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Texas Infertility Prevention Project (TIPP)

The National Infertility Prevention Project was a multi-faceted, multi-state project funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for more than twenty years. The project's overall mission was to implement effective prevention strategies to reduce the prevalence of Chlamydia trachomatis (chlamydia) and its potentially destructive complications in women. Over the years, the project collected a wealth of data and evolved to include screening for Neisseria gonorrhoeae (gonorrhea) and testing of male partners. The National IPP was modified in 2014. Today, CDC encourages project areas to follow their data and direct resources to activities that decrease the burden and long-term health effects of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) in men as well as women.

Because of the success of the project’s model and the important collaborative relationships built because of the project, the Texas Infertility Prevention Project (TIPP) continues. The TIPP is a partnership with DSHS and a variety of provider sites across the state. These providers are critical for carrying out the goals of the project.

TIPP activities include:

  • Identifying, screening, and treating women and men at high risk for chlamydia and gonorrhea infection.
  • Counseling infected and at-risk individuals on risk reduction and safer sex practices.
  • Treating and counseling partners of infected individuals.
  • Referring to other medical services as appropriate. 

For screening sites to perform these services, TIPP provides sites with screening supplies, laboratory services, medications for treatment, training, information, and other resources to enhance patient services. In exchange for these resources, the sites follow TIPP chlamydia/gonorrhea screening and treatment guidelines and submit demographic and behavioral data that is used for local and statewide project planning.

The TIPP screening sites include selected family planning clinics, maternity clinics, STD clinics, correctional facilities, and other essential community providers. Some of these sites have been collecting chlamydia and gonorrhea data for the project since 1996. Over the years, the number and variety of sites have increased. The highest chlamydia positivity rates both in Texas and nationally are generally found among STD clinics clients, followed by correctional facilities. Positivity rates vary across the state depending upon the geographic region and the type of service provider. Mirroring the national trends, most reported chlamydia and gonorrhea infections occur among those between 15 and 24.

Under the new funding guidance, TIPP continues to explore new opportunities to expand partnerships and screening populations.

Additional Information

For more information on chlamydia/gonorrhea and the TIPP:

For questions about the Texas Infertility Prevention Project contact the HIV/STD TIPP.