Epidemiology and Surveillance Training

Required Epidemiology and Surveillance Training for DSHS Internal Staff

CORE TRAINING – These courses are required for the HIV/STD workforce. You must complete core training within the first year of employment.

HIV Surveillance Online Learning (TRAIN)

All HIV Surveillance staff should complete the HIV Surveillance Modules within their first two weeks of employment.

  • Module 1 – DSHS HIV and HIV Surveillance Overview
  • Module 2 – DSHS HIV Laboratory Tests 
  • Module 3 – DSHS HIV Surveillance Case Definition 
  • Module 4 – DSHS HIV THISIS
  • Module 5 – DSHS Lab Management and Case Ascertainment
  • Module 6 – DSHS Case Investigation and Reporting
  • Module 7 – DSHS Perinatal HIV Surveillance

Quarterly Surveillance Staff Training – Required once for new staff and recommend that old staff attend once.

Texas HIV Surveillance Symposium – This symposium provides training and updates on HIV surveillance practices and activities in Texas.

SAS Training (for central office staff only) – Check with your supervisor about attending a SAS training before signing up for a course.


Data Literacy Resources – Data literacy is the ability to read, work with, analyze, and argue with data. Much like literacy as a general concept, data literacy focuses on the competencies involved in working with data.

Introduction to Hepatitis C Surveillance – This training:

  • Describes HCV epidemiology in Texas and the United States
  • Describes transmission and risk factors
  • Summarizes current HCV treatment
  • Describes the differences between chronic and acute HCV
  • Classifies HCV cases based on existing definitions
  • Outlines the required variables for acute HCV cases.