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Social Media

DSHS has created tailored social media materials for Local Health Departments (LHDs) and Public Health Regions (PHRs). Materials cover various vaccine topics including:

  • ACIP vaccine schedule
  • Chickenpox
  • Dtap
  • Effectiveness of vaccines
  • Flu Season
  • Hepatitis B
  • How to prevent the spread and contraction of infections
  • Immunizations for 7–18-year-olds
  • Immunizations for the Elderly
  • MMR
  • National Influenza Week
  • New Year’s Resolution
  • RSV
  • Shingles
  • Three reasons to get a flu vaccine this season (Oct-April)
  • TVFC Info
  • Vaccinate against respiratory illnesses before fall
  • Vaccines children 0-6 need
  • Vaccines for health care providers/professionals
  • Whooping Cough

LHDs and PHRs are encouraged to use materials in the way they see fit to reach specific audiences and disseminate curated campaigns, however DSHS is not responsible for any edits and is only responsible for materials as presented.