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Research Data

Providing customized incidence datasets and data linkages for research related to cancer etiology, prevention, and control is one of the critical functions of the Texas Cancer Registry (TCR). The TCR can provide these services to researchers under strict guidelines.

Protecting patient confidentiality is paramount to the TCR and is required by state law and rules (Health and Safety Code, Section 82.009; Texas Administrative Code, Title 25, Part 1, Chapter 91, Subchapter A). Data requests for personal identifiers (e.g., name, date of birth, address) or information on geographic areas below the county level (e.g., ZIP code, census tract) must be approved by the Department of State Health Services (DSHS) Institutional Review Board (IRB) and the Research Executive Steering Committee (RESC) before the TCR can release the data.

Before submitting a request for a customized incidence dataset or data linkage, please review the following:

To request confidential data, fill out specified sections of the TCR Confidential Data Request Form and email it to

Once the request is reviewed, TCR staff will provide instructions for completing the following forms that are relevant to your request:

TCR requests that any person or organization reporting results or analyses using cancer data provided by the TCR include the Requested Citation/Acknowledgement of TCR Data Use in their report, presentation, or publication.

If you have any questions, contact the TCR Epidemiology Group via email at or call 512-776-3080.

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