Research and Recommendations developed by TSHAC
Research and Recommendations (R&R) documents are created to support school districts in implementing coordinated school health. R&Rs are developed by the TSHAC and revised as needed to help districts comply with legislative mandates and navigate prevailing health issues. Schools are permitted to utilize or modify the documents listed below to meet the needs of the individual school.
Research and Recommendations
Recess and Physical Activity: Impact on Student Health and Academics, Social, and Emotional Development - This R&R document was prepared to support local school districts in their efforts to comply with S.B. 530, 80th Legislature, Regular Session, 2007.
The Sample ISD Resolution: Recommendations on Recess for Elementary School Students (9/2018) is provided for use with local school health advisory councils (SHACs).
Health Education for all Texas Students K-12 Grade - This document was prepared to provide resources to local school districts in their efforts to recommend a half credit of health education as a graduation requirement for all high school students.
The Sample Resolution: Research and Recommendations on Health Education for All Texas Students K-12 Grade (9/2019) is provided for a SHAC to use in making this recommendation to their local school board.
Physical Education - This R&R document explains the importance of teaching Physical Education to students in Texas.
Expanding Physical Activity Opportunities Outside of the Classroom - This R&R document was created to assist school districts in the development of comprehensive physical activity programs.
School Bus and Automobile Idling - This R&R document was created to provide districts with resources for developing policies that limit school bus idling.
Benefits of Supporting Healthy Physical Activity Behaviors in School Districts - This R&R document was developed to assist SHACs in revising or updating local Wellness Policies or other district policies/regulations to prohibit the use of physical activity as punishment.
Improvement of the Coordinated School Health Program - This document was developed after the Texas Education Agency provided a data analysis of the student fitness assessment conducted in Texas schools during the 2007-2008 school year. This recommendation was required by law.
Promoting Positive School Climates to Improve Student Outcomes - This document was developed to emphasize the importance of promoting positive school climates.
Late Start of School Activities for Students in High School - This document was developed to emphasize the importance of sleep for teenagers.
Health Issues and Parent Involvement and Engagement in Student Academic Success - This document was developed to emphasize the importance of parent involvement and engagement. The Dual Capacity-Building Framework for Family-School Partnerships flowchart from the U.S. Department of Education provides additional information.
Instruction in Public Schools to Prevent the Use of E-Cigarettes (4/2018) - During 2017, 85th Texas Legislative Session, Senate Bill 489 passed into law and instructed local SHACs to recommend policies, procedures, and curriculum related to the instruction to prevent the use of e-cigarettes.